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Style Resolutions: Ways To Look & Dress Better


As we turn the page in a fairly hectic year, there has never been a better time for a personal review. A new year means a clean slate and a precious opportunity to put the mistakes of the past behind you and make better habits.

In our humble opinion, your wardrobe and grooming habits are good places to start. That's why we've put calm a handy list of styling and grooming resolutions that every man can benefit from.

From trimming your wardrobe to adopting a healthier skincare routine, these are the promises you need to make in 2021. There are a lot of things this year that are beyond your control, but you have full jurisdiction over your style and appearance. Make it count.

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Go out with the old ...

The start of a new day is a great time to dive deep into your wardrobe (not literally) and get a good clean. And we mean the right thing to do. Be brutal. If there are any items that have not been worn since this time of last year, throw them out to make room for the things you will be wearing. Your local charity store, clothing recycling service, or even someone on eBay can put things you don't use to good use and you'll feel better.

If you still can't meet the challenge, try this handy trick: turn all the hangers in your wardrobe the same way; After putting something on, put it back in your closet with the hanger upside down. After a few months, you will be able to see which clothes are not being worn, because these will be the only ones that will not be changed.

Inside with the new


While the start of the year is a great time to ditch the old stuff, it's also a great time to update, update, and reinvent. Now that you have some extra space in your closet, it's time to fill it up with new clothes and start your year on the right track, at least stylistically.

January sales are a great place to shop for premium pieces at great prices, but think carefully before you buy. Impulse buys tend to be the things the least used, so think and buy timeless pieces that you know you'll get a lot for. It's good for your wallet and good for the planet too.

Expand your olfactory horizons

Besides using too much, one of the most common mistakes when it comes to scent is having just one. You could think of it as your signature scent. It's good. It is good to have a "uniform" cologne on a daily basis. However, it is good to mix it up and vary its scent depending on the season and / or the occasion.

Rich woody, smoky, leathery and spicy scents work best during the winter months as they tend to last longer on the skin without being weakened by the cold, while fresh, floral and citrus scents work best for summer. Other than that, it's worth splurging on a premium scent to add that final olfactory touch on special occasions.

Buy better


We're big supporters of buying what you can afford. Quality clothes can seem expensive, but when you consider that you will continue to wear them for years, if not decades, the prices start to seem much more justified.

In addition, you will also be doing your part to reduce waste. Because paying more for something that is built to last is always better than paying less for something that is intended for landfill. If you're creating a style resolution in 2021, do this.

Learn to use mowers

As we continue to move in and out of coronavirus restrictions, stuck hair is becoming a real problem. But even if the barber shop is closed, that's no excuse to become Captain Caveman. Instead, buy and learn to use a set of scissors. You don't have to be too technical about it. Even a haircut every two weeks will look sharper than no haircut.

Improve your gym style


New year, new you. And new. You would look even better in new gym equipment. Forget sweat-stained cotton t-shirts, stretch-jersey joggers and low-grip sneakers, and instead indulge in a stylish workout outfit.

Key items to look for are sweat-wicking shirts in technical fabrics, skinny sweatpants or athletic-fit shorts, specially designed shoes.

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